For a better environment

Sorting technology in South Hall

sorting technology has its beginnings in glass recycling. Waste glass is an especially valuable material because unlike other packaging materials,
such as paper and plastic, it can be recycled an
almost unlimited number of times. However,
the waste glass must be of maximum purity for re-use. This means it must be free from all contaminants.

A system for separating contaminants, such as ceramics, stoneware and porcelain, from waste glass was developed for the glass industry in the 1980s. This resulted in the first glass sorting machine, the KSP. In addition to the separation of contaminants, Binder+Co developed a system that also sorts the cullet according to colours.

Binder+Co has been sorting glass for over 20 years and has already received a number of awards for its sorting technology. In 2010, Binder+Co was awarded the state prize for innovation for a system that also sorts heat-resistant special types of glass. This was followed by the development of a system for sorting types of glass containing lead.

Binder+Co’s sorting technology is based on the opto-electronic method; the material to be sorted is analyzed by means of light and its material properties are detected. As a result, waste glass, plastics, paper and minerals can be sorted into pure fractions for subsequent processing.

Sorting technology


Further details can also be found on the Binder+Co website:
> CLARITY waste glass sorting machine